Experience Rural Tourism in Lithuania This Summer


Summer is almost here, which means tourism season is upon us. Many of you may be taking advantage of the summer months to plan a trip to Lithuania. It’s the best time to explore the country and visit family.

Over the past few years, Lithuania has ranked high on numerous “must-travel” lists and continues to make headlines for being an innovative, beautiful, and welcoming country. Lithuania has also recently switched to the Euro, which means seamless travel to Lithuania and surrounding countries of the European Union.

If you’re not visiting a grandparent or family member, chances are you’ll be close to the popular tourist attractions such as downtown Vilnius or other prominent cities like Kaunas, Palanga, Klaipeda and their landmarks. These cities are beautiful and worth visiting, but much too often, tourists to Lithuania miss out on the rest of what rural Lithuania has to offer. Where are the windmills and the farm fields and the beautiful lakes and valleys from the fairy tales of childhood that shaped our early perception of Lithuania?

For those of you who don’t have a grandma living in a small village, but want to experience the wonderful nature Lithuania has to offer, countryside tourism may be the answer. Just imagine: Having a nice steam in the bathhouse next to a beautiful lake, and sipping on some local, homemade Lithuanian mead!

The Lithuanian tourism Facebook page “Likeable Lithuania” has been promoting: www.atostogoskaime.lt – a website that allows users to easily search and find a place to stay in rural Lithuania. Think airbnb.com but in more remote, village locations. Users are able to select between regions of Lithuania and different homestead specialization (rest & relaxation, active holiday, family, culinary heritage, environmentally friendly, etc.)

So this summer, stop by a homestead such as “Apyniu House” in Kupiskes village. Indulge in a professional beer tasting, then treat yourself to a beer massage. Maybe you’ll even take a dip in the open-air beer bath on the premises, before embarking on a canoe or bicycle expedition, all while experiencing a truly never-before-seen Lithuania.

atsostogoskaime.lt allows users to vacation in beautiful homesteads in rural Lithuania
atsostogoskaime.lt allows users to vacation in beautiful homesteads in rural Lithuania

Ar keliaujate į Lietuvą? Atostogaukite kaime šia vasarą!

Vis daugiau poilsiautojų atsisako keliauti svetur ir renkasi atostogas Lietuvoje. Kokios galimybės atsiveria atostogaujant kaime? Artėjant vasarai norisi kuo daugiau laiko praleisti gamtos apsuptyje. Jei neturite mažame miestelyje gyvenančios močiutės, verta apsistoti kaimo turizmo sodyboje.

Greičiausiai poilsio vietą išsirinksite ir naudingą informaciją apie artimiausius lankytinus objektus rasite http://atostogoskaime.lt. Čia patogiai ir greitai rasite kaimo sodybą, informaciją apie kaimo turizmo pramogas ir paslaugas.

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